xfun: Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by ‘Yihui Xie’


Title Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by Yihui Xie
Version 0.50.3
Description Miscellaneous functions commonly used in other packages maintained by Yihui Xie.
Depends R (>= 3.2.0)
Imports grDevices, stats, tools
Suggests testit, parallel, codetools, methods, rstudioapi, tinytex (>= 0.30), mime, litedown (>= 0.4), commonmark, knitr (>= 1.47), remotes, pak, rhub, renv, curl, xml2, jsonlite, magick, yaml, qs, rmarkdown
License MIT + file LICENSE
URL https://github.com/yihui/xfun
BugReports https://github.com/yihui/xfun/issues
VignetteBuilder litedown
Author Yihui Xie ORCID iD [aut, cre, cph], Wush Wu [ctb], Daijiang Li [ctb], Xianying Tan [ctb], Salim Brüggemann ORCID iD [ctb], Christophe Dervieux [ctb]

R-CMD-check Codecov test coverage CRAN release

This package contains several utility functions that I frequently use in other packages, and also miscellaneous functions that I use by myself from time to time. For more information, see https://yihui.org/xfun/.

To install the package from CRAN, use install.packages('xfun'). To install the development version here, you may set the repos option to https://yihui.r-universe.dev:

install.packages('xfun', repos = 'https://yihui.r-universe.dev')


To cite the package xfun in publications, please use:

Xie Y (2025). xfun: Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by ‘Yihui Xie’. R package version 0.50.3, https://github.com/yihui/xfun.

  title = {xfun: Supporting Functions for Packages Maintained by 'Yihui Xie'},
  author = {Yihui Xie},
  year = {2025},
  note = {R package version 0.50.3},
  url = {https://github.com/yihui/xfun},